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import {Feature} from '../feature';
import {
    ignoreCase, numSortAsc, numSortDesc,
    dateSortAsc, sortNumberStr, sortDateStr
} from '../sort';
import {isArray, isObj, isEmpty} from '../types';
import {NUMBER, FORMATTED_NUMBER, DATE} from '../const';

 * Base class for Dropdown and CheckList UI components
 * @export
 * @class BaseDropdown
 * @extends {Feature}
export class BaseDropdown extends Feature {

     * Creates an instance of BaseDropdown
     * @param {TableFilter} tf
    constructor(tf) {
        super(tf, 'baseDropdown');

        let f = this.config;

         * Filter options custom sorter on a column basis
         * @type {Object}
        this.customSorter = isObj(f.filter_options_sorter) &&
            isArray(f.filter_options_sorter.col) &&
            isArray(f.filter_options_sorter.comparer) ?
            f.filter_options_sorter :

        // TODO: move here all properties shared by Dropdown CheckList

         * Has custom options
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @private
        this.isCustom = false;

         * List of options values
         * @type {Array}
         * @private
        this.opts = [];

         * List of options texts for custom values
         * @type {Array}
         * @private
        this.optsTxt = [];

         * List of options to be excluded from the checklist filter
         * @type {Array}
         * @private
        this.excludedOpts = [];

     * Sort passed options based on the type of the specified column
     * @param {Number} colIndex Column index
     * @param {Array} [options=[]] Collection of values
     * @return {Array} Sorted values
     * @private
    sortOptions(colIndex, options = []) {
        let tf = this.tf;

        if (tf.isCustomOptions(colIndex) || !tf.sortSlc ||
            (isArray(tf.sortSlc) && tf.sortSlc.indexOf(colIndex) === -1)) {
            return options;

        let { caseSensitive, sortNumDesc } = tf;
        let compareFn;

        if (this.customSorter &&
            this.customSorter.col.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) {
            var idx = this.customSorter.col.indexOf(colIndex);
            compareFn = this.customSorter.comparer[idx];
        else if (tf.hasType(colIndex, [NUMBER, FORMATTED_NUMBER])) {
            let decimal = tf.getDecimal(colIndex);
            let comparer = numSortAsc;
            if (sortNumDesc === true || sortNumDesc.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) {
                comparer = numSortDesc;
            compareFn = sortNumberStr(comparer, decimal);
        else if (tf.hasType(colIndex, [DATE])) {
            let locale = tf.feature('dateType').getLocale(colIndex);
            let comparer = dateSortAsc;
            compareFn = sortDateStr(comparer, locale);
        } else { // string
            compareFn = caseSensitive ? undefined : ignoreCase;

        return options.sort(compareFn);

     * Regenerate filters of specified columns and maintain selection if any
     * @param {Array} colIndexes Collection of column indexes
     * @private
    refreshFilters(colIndexes) {
        colIndexes.forEach((colIdx) => {
            let values = this.getValues(colIdx);
            this.build(colIdx, this.tf.linkedFilters);
            this.selectOptions(colIdx, values);

     * Check passed row contains a valid linked value
     * @param {Number} rowIdx Row index
     * @param {Number} activeFilterIdx Current active filter index
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isValidLinkedValue(rowIdx, activeFilterIdx) {
        let tf = this.tf;

        if (tf.disableExcludedOptions) {
            return true;

        if (tf.paging) {
            if (!isEmpty(activeFilterIdx) && tf.isRowValid(rowIdx)) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if (tf.isRowDisplayed(rowIdx)) {
                return true;

        return false;